
Germany and the Comoros: Bilateral relations

29.02.2024 - Article

Diplomatic relations between the Comoros and Germany were established on 2 February 1978. Germany does not have a dedicated mission in the Comoros, but is represented there by its ambassador to Tanzania. The Comoros has an embassy in Brussels to manage its relations with the European Union (EU), and political dialogues have taken place annually since 2018. Agricultural products play a key role in exports from the Comoros and contribute to economic development. The country’s main exports are cloves, vanilla and plants used in the production of essential oils. After France, Germany is the largest European market for Comorian exports.

The African Union joined the G20 in 2023, while President Assoumani of the Comoros was AU chairperson. He thus attended the meeting of Heads of State and Government in Germany.

The EU is the Comoros’ most important development partner. Within the framework of the European Development Fund, development cooperation focuses on the spheres of technical and vocational education, public finances, and training and education for women and young people – two groups particularly affected by unemployment. Germany makes a substantial contribution through the EU support for the Comoros. It is also involved in efforts by multilateral partners, including the Green Climate Fund and Global Environment Facility.

The Comoros has applied an interim EU Economic Partnership Agreement (EPA) to trade in goods since February 2019. The EU is supporting the application of this agreement with a programme designed to reduce dependence on imports and diversify exports.

The Comoros’ relationship with the IMF was put on a new footing in 2023. The country’s proclaimed willingness to step up anti-corruption efforts has paved the way towards new credit lines. The World Bank has also expressed a willingness to enhance its engagement. The Comoros became a member of the World Trade Organization (WTO) in early 2024. There is currently one German business active in the Comoros (a shipping company).


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