
Statement by Foreign Minister Baerbock ahead of her trip to Rome

10.01.2022 - Press release

As the new German Government we have set out ambitious goals for a more sovereign, more ecological and more just Europe. Italy plays a crucial role in ensuring that these goals can be reached one day. From the climate-neutral transformation of our economy to solidarity in the pandemic and the creation of a European asylum system which guarantees humanity and order at our external borders – in Rome we have like-minded allies who are shouldering responsibility in Europe alongside us.

The joint efforts in the EU, NATO and the OSCE to de-escalate the crisis at the Ukrainian border will be a key issue during my talks today with Luigi di Maio. However, I also welcome the opportunity to learn about Italians’ experience with their very successful vaccine rollout and to hear from young people about how they see the chances of economic and ecological renewal after the recession caused by the COVID-19 pandemic.


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