
Joint statement by France, Germany, and the UK on Iran

22.11.2022 - Press release

Joint Statement by France, Germany, and the United Kingdom on Iran (22 November 2022)

We, the governments of France, Germany and the United Kingdom condemn Iran’s latest steps, as confirmed by the IAEA, to further expand its nuclear programme. By increasing its production capabilities at Fordow and Natanz, well beyond JCPoA limits, and by accelerating its production of enriched uranium, Iran has taken further significant steps in hollowing out the JCPoA.

Especially concerning is Iran’s decision to increase its production of High Enriched Uranium (HEU) at its underground facility at the Fordow Fuel Enrichment Plant. Iran’s step is a challenge to the global non-proliferation system. This step, which carries significant proliferation-related risks, has no credible civilian justification.

Iran’s actions are even more concerning since, five months ago, Iran stopped implementing all JCPoA-related transparency measures.

Presenting this escalation as a reaction to the IAEA Board of Governors’ adoption of a resolution calling for Iran’s cooperation on safeguards is unacceptable. Iran is legally obliged under the Non-Proliferation Treaty to fully implement its safeguards agreement.

We will continue to consult, alongside international partners, on how best to address Iran’s continued nuclear escalation.


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