
Foreign Minister Frank-Walter Steinmeier and Moldova’s Prime Minister, Iurie Leancă, sign agreement on development cooperation

10.07.2014 - Press release

Today (10 July) Foreign Minister Frank-Walter Steinmeier will meet Iurie Leancă, Prime Minister of the Republic of Moldova, for talks at the Federal Foreign Office.

Thirteen days after the signing of the association agreement between the EU and Moldova, their discussions will focus on Moldova’s relations with Germany and the EU.

Following their talks, Foreign Minister Steinmeier and Prime Minister Leancă will sign a new framework agreement on German-Moldovan development cooperation. By intensifying development cooperation even further, Germany wants in particular, to actively support the Republic of Moldova, as it moves towards EU association.

Foreign Minister Steinmeier last met Prime Minister Leancă on 23 April, when he visited the Moldovan capital Chisinau together with his French counterpart, Laurent Fabius.

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