
Statement by Foreign Minister Steinmeier at the conclusion of his trip to Turkey

15.11.2016 - Press release

Foreign Minister Frank‑Walter Steinmeier issued the following statement today (15 November) at the conclusion of his trip to Turkey:

“The talks with the Turkish leadership in Ankara today were difficult, as expected.

It was clear that it would not be possible to resolve the differences of opinion just with a visit and a few talks. Nevertheless, the visit was worthwhile, allowing me to gain a first‑hand impression of the situation in the country, also in talks with the opposition and civil society.

The measures taken against members of the opposition and civil society, newspapers, radio and television channels and numerous teachers and officials do not comply with our rule‑of‑law standards by any means and are no longer only concerned with bringing to justice those responsible for the failed coup attempt on 15 July.

I made this quite clear in my talks, just as I stressed our willingness to cooperate with Turkey closely and in a spirit of partnership once again on the basis of our European values. That offer still stands. At the end of the day, the Turkish Government has to decide.”

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