
Statement by Foreign Minister Sigmar Gabriel on the signing of a treaty on good neighbourliness between Bulgaria and the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia

01.08.2017 - Press release

Foreign Minister Sigmar Gabriel issued the following statement today (1 August) on the signing of a treaty on good neighbourliness between Bulgaria and the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia:

“Bulgaria and the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia signed an historic treaty on good neighbourliness in Skopje today. I very much welcome the achievement of consensus on outstanding questions, following many years of unsuccessful negotiations. In signing the treaty, the two countries are sending an important message as regards successful bilateral and regional cooperation in the Balkans and the further European-Atlantic integration of the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia. It is remarkable that this signature was achieved less than two months after the new Government of the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia took office. I trust that the new Government in Skopje will continue to pursue this form of constructive cooperation with all neighbouring countries. I also welcome the endeavours by the new Government to finally launch the reforms urgently needed for EU accession, following years of standstill.”

Background information:

The treaty on good neighbourliness between Bulgaria and the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia removes Bulgaria’s concerns about the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia joining NATO and the EU.

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