
Statement by Federal Foreign Minister Heiko Maas on the occasion of the official opening of the Rapid Response Window of the Women’s Peace and Humanitarian Fund

14.01.2021 - Speech

Belarus, Sudan, Iraq: in all these countries, women have recently led social and political movements for peace and democracy.

Their courage reminds us once again that lasting peace needs equality and the full participation of women. In the past three decades, however, women have made up only 13 percent of negotiators in major peace processes worldwide.

That needs to change – and we are taking action:

As a member of the UN Security Council in the past two years, Germany made the women, peace and security agenda a priority:

- We supported equality in all peace processes and strengthened female peacekeepers.

- We initiated Resolution 2467 to protect and empower survivors of conflict-related sexual violence.

- And we invited a record number of civil society members and women’s rights activists to brief the Council.

And today, I’m happy to announce that recently Germany has contributed one million euro to the Rapid Response Window of the Women’s Peace and Humanitarian Fund.

The Rapid Response Window will make a difference. It will provide women with financial support for travel, childcare and dedicated training. This support will break down barriers and make it easier for women to participate in peace processes.

I’m glad to see so many friends and partners here today supporting this endeavour. I call on other donors to join us and to contribute to the Rapid Response Window.

The women in Sudan, Belarus, Iraq and beyond deserve our support. And by empowering them, we’re helping to build peace and justice worldwide.

Thank you very much!


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