
Foreign Minister Heiko Maas on the situation in Yemen

01.11.2018 - Press release

Regarding the situation in Yemen, Foreign Minister Heiko Maas told Spiegel Online:

In Yemen, an unprecedented humanitarian tragedy is unfolding before the eyes of the international community. Every new round of military confrontation takes the country deeper into the abyss. That is why we have taken a clear stance on this, not only in the coalition Agreement.

For the first time in a long while there is now a chance to get things moving in the deadlocked peace efforts. The call from Mike Pompeo and James Mattis for a ceasefire and the resumption of talks comes at the right time. We fully support their appeal. The UN Special Envoy Martin Griffiths has already laid crucial groundwork. We are also using all our channels of communication to make it clear to the parties that they cannot carry on as hitherto.

We finally need a ceasefire and talks on a political settlement. Riyadh and Abu Dhabi know how serious we are about this. The Houthis also have to finally take the necessary steps to pave the way for negotiations. We also have clear expectations of Tehran in this respect.


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