
Minister of State Roth travels to Slovakia and Hungary

27.02.2019 - Press release

Minister of State for Europe Michael Roth is departing today (27 February) for a two day trip to Slovakia and Hungary. He will be attending a European convention at the J. Selye University in Komárno on the Slovak-Hungarian border, where he will hold discussions with students about the future of the EU. In Budapest, Michael Roth will hold talks with representatives from civil society, political foundations and the press, as well as with his Hungarian counterpart Judit Varga.

Prior to his departure, Minister of State Roth said:

In a vibrant European democracy, we need more encounters with the public. I am therefore very pleased to be taking part in citizens’ dialogues and have accepted the invitation of my Slovak colleague František Ružička. I am looking forward to my discussions with students from the J. Selye University in Komárno on the Slovak-Hungarian border. In my talks in Budapest, I would like to gain a first hand insight into the situation of civil society and of Sinti and Roma. I am concerned about Hungary’s strained relationship within the European Union, which is exacerbated by the current anti-EU campaign.


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