
Sign of mutual trust: Japan and Germany sign Agreement on the Security of Information

The German-Japanese Agreement on the Security of Information was signed today in Tokyo

The German-Japanese Agreement on the Security of Information was signed today in Tokyo, © German Embassy Tokyo

22.03.2021 - Article

The German-Japanese Agreement on the Security of Information was signed today in Tokyo.

It allows the exchange of confidential information and thus enables intensified cooperation on security issues. The signing of the agreement is a further step towards implementing the strategy on the Indo-Pacific region.

This year sees the 160th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between Japan and Germany. Over this time, Japan has become a key partner for Germany in the Indo-Pacific. The basis for cooperation is provided by democratic structures and the two countries’ shared commitment to multilateralism and a rules-based international order.

New dimension of security cooperation

On 22 March 2021, Japan and Germany further intensified their cooperation in a spirit of trust: the Japanese-German Agreement on the Security of Information was signed in Tokyo. The agreement allows confidential information to be exchanged between authorities and companies in the two partner countries. This makes it possible to step up cooperation on security policy and military technology. Further, Japan and Germany want to cooperate more closely in the fields of cyber security, space and electromagnetism.

Security cooperation is an important element of German policy on the Indo-Pacific

In September 2020, the Federal Government adopted its policy guidelines for the Indo-Pacific. This set the essential course for German foreign policy for a region of increasing geopolitical significance. One central element is the expansion of cooperation with key partners which share common interests and values with Germany. The security-policy sector plays a special role in this context. One section of the policy guidelines is devoted to strengthening peace, security and stability in the Indo-Pacific.


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