
Statement by Foreign Minister Maas prior to his departure for New York

27.03.2018 - Press release

Foreign Minister Heiko Maas issued the following statement today (27 March) prior to his departure for New York:

“The United Nations is the cornerstone of the rules-based international order. Preserving and developing this order are key German interests. That is why it is so important to me to travel to New York shortly after taking office.

Germany plays an active political, financial and increasingly staffing role in the United Nations. Not only are we the fourth-largest contributor to the regular and peacekeeping budgets, we are also the second-largest donor to humanitarian assistance and official development aid. At the same time, Germany has become one of the largest western troop-contributing nations to UN Peacekeeping. I thus await tomorrow’s UN Security Council debate on UN Peacekeeping with keen interest. Germany is willing to continue providing support and shaping development.

Our candidacy for a non-permanent seat on the UN Security Council for the 2019-2020 term will also be on the agenda during my trip. We want to play a part in tackling the great challenges to peace and security. I am looking forward to speaking with many national representatives and hearing what they expect from us. Germany is ready and willing to shoulder greater responsibility.”


The Security Council election will be held in New York on 8 June 2018.


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